Hey Yall!
So this week has been great! Well every week is great! But this week for whatever reason has gone by super fast, but everythin that happened seemed like its been years since it happened haha. Its been snowin this week and now its back up in the 60's, we've had rain and beautiful sunshine and weather all around haha nothin to much though has changed this week except one thing. That is that we got transfer calls and I will be leavin t town. Im really sad that i have to go, but at the same time i figured out where i will be goin and i cant wait to go there. I will be goin to New Albany Mississippi! Thats about 30-45 mintues south of my 1st area Corinth! Plus that is where is Ellisons are servin right now, so i will be servin with them and will be there district leader for about a month! I cant wait:)
This is Charles, he got baptized on Tuesday:)
On to this weeks events, so Monday and Tuesday were both crazy days! Monday we had our p-day but we were tryin to get Charles Minchew's baptism interview done as well, which the weather and Charles work were causin to much havoc!! We werent sure if it was gonna happen, but i knew that Satan was the cause of all this and i wasnt gonna let him win! He may have won a few battles, scratched, bit me a couple times, and also may have pushed me in the mud, but i got up and each situation that came up we were able to resolve it. I had to talk with our Heavenly Father and Coach Christ a couple times, but they gave us the pointers that we needed and they also helped with the weather! We were able to get Charles interviewed Tuesday mornin and baptized Tuesday night! We won the War!! Charles bore his testimony right after he was baptized and it was great. He could not stop smilin and you could tell that he had been prepared his whole life for this one moment! What a great experience we were able to be apart of:)
So then we had to go to Birmingham for a Dr apt for Elder Hullinger, Sister Hanks came and met up with us and wanted to take us out to eat. Well we went to Red Lobster for the first time for me and Elder Hullinger, I had some cat fish, my first cat fish of the mission and it was great! I also had like half of elder hullingers plate because he didnt like it, he had lobsters tail, shrimp and scalops haha and then Sister Hanks couldnt finish all her meal so she gave the rest of it to me it was fettichini with shrimp ahah it was all great:) Im tryin to like sea food now beacuse i used to never even look at it haha
Just one more quick story. So on Valentines Day, we had a couple things we did in the mornin and early afternoon but after that we didnt have anything for the rest of the night. So we walked to different stores and talked with people and handed out the valentines day candy my mom sent me. Well we walked a couple miles down the road. It was startin to get late, so we decided to head back. It was gonna start rainin and my comp was exhausted and kept complainin and i just wanted to have a good night. Haha well what i did is just said a little prayer while we were at Wal Mart the last store we were at. I asked if Heavenly Father would send a member of our ward in our path so we could get a ride home that way i would get my comp happy, i would be happy and we would have a good night. Well we started walkin and it took about 20 minutes and then a car pulled over and a man said, "Hey you mormons wanna ride?" We said yes and got in. I had never seen the guy before. He was younger in his late 20's. But turns out he was from virginia and lived in Mississippi and was just up in T town to give a lap top to a friend. But he knew a lot of different mormons. He was Agnostic but took a Book of Mormon that we gave him and loved our message. Im glad we got to meet him!:)
On Saturday I got to baptize the daughter of a recent convert that the sisters taught! Her name is Kyla and she is 8. She was really scared of the water but everthing turned out great! Great things are happenin here in North Port now!
So the sisters taught a lady named renee and baptized her in Dec, well
this is her daughter Kyla who is 8 years old that got baptized on Sat:)
Well last thought. We had a district meetin on Tuesday and I trained again on bein a Good Shepard. But also I learned somethin new about John 21. The story where the disciples go back to fishin and Christ is walkin along the shore and asks "Peter do you love me?" Well right before that when they all come in, Christ asks them to gather up all the fish in the nets, then once they bring them to the shore thats when Christ asks peter. Well as i read it that time, I imagined Peter holdin the fish nets, while Christ asks him "Do you love me, more then these?" Then i related it to me and our lives. What sins or trials or bad habbits are we holdin onto while we keep tellin Christ we love him? Peter answered him 3 times that he loves Christ but still had the fish and the nets in his hands. We need to drop our nets full of fish (Sin, temptation, bad habbits) and follow Christ! What are we wilin to give up? Just so things to think about:) Hope yall have a great week! I love ya so much! Hope ya had a great Valentines day! Remember to be happy and drop the nets!:)
Love Elder Hall:)