Latest from Elder Clement,
We had a crazy week. But unfortunately it wasn't filled with lessons, rather visits to the doctor. We had to go to the hospital a few times because the doctor wasn't there, etc. But finally they were able to take my blood to see why I had red polkadots all over. The doctor said he thought I might have a disease called 'Dengue' that is really bad from mosquitos, but he said it was probably the non-lethal one so that made me feel alright. Although, they had to take my blood for a second time to do more tests and I gotta tell ya I think I've gotten more brave out here on the mission because after what happened the first time (poor Nurses and Elder Chamberlain who had to help me...) I wasn't too excited for the second (ok yeah, I passed out). But actually one tender mercy of the week is that the second time went very well. No blackness. No suffering. The nurse just took it right up and everything was fine. The bad news is that I had Dengue, but the very good news is that it is indeed the non-lethal kind. It went away in a few days and my skin is now spotless (or to the degree of spotlessness of which it was at before anyway).
It was a crazy new years here in Mexico. Well, I suppose. I slept through the whole thing but apparantly it is a really big down here to shoot your guns up into the air and drink at midnight, which is probably not the best combination. Luckily our roof is made of concrete so we were safe and sound.
I had a picture of the Armenta family with whom we ate on New Years Eve but the virus on my chip said that I would not be sharing any pictures this week... sorry. I just gotta put in the chip without the virus. Pictures will come next week.
Our new investigator, Alejandra, is doing very well (cousin of the wife of the counselor of the mission president. The counselor lives in our area which is great). She left her old church because she saw some things she didn't like but she has soaked up everything we have taught her so far. She said she really wants to believe what we are saying and she is excited to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about it. I am convinced that we were very blessed to have been able to find her from our obedience. If all goes well, she has her baptismal date for February first. She didn't go to our ward this last week but her counsin, Sister Cruz, said she went to a different one so that is good.
We had a very good lesson with Gloria and Minerva last week with a very enthusiastic member. He is the son of President Cruz who is the counselor of President Munive (the mission president). He talked for a while about how he gained his testimony of the Book of Mormon and he helped us out by explaining that if it is true, all doubts are washed away. We found out that her doubt is still about the seventh day worship. Ay. Despite all of the scriptures we showed her that show 'proofs' of why it was changed to Sunday to remember the Resurrection of our Savior, she still is unsure. I learned something very important, that I was right in the beginning, that even though the Bible really contains the doctrine that we teach, the same problem still stands, that every church has their own interpretation of the Bible. And because of this, I think of two reasons of things we have in these latter-days. First of all, this is why we need a prophet; to tell us how the Bible is to be interpreted. And second, this is why we have the Book of Mormon. Where the Bible is unclear or interpreted in different ways, it is ok, because we have the Book of Mormon. And if this book is true, and if it was really translated by a prophet of God, where can we doubt? Where is the confusion? If the Book of Mormon is true, every word that the Spirit carries from our mouth is true. And it is true. The glorious fact is that the Book of Mormon is true! It is the very word of God. And through all of the people who died to get it here, we have it in our hands, for the single purpose that we might know God and return to live with and be like Him someday. I know that this is true. And that is why I am here.
We invited Gloria and Minerva to fast with us this last Sunday to be able to find an answer and they accepted. Gloria wasn't able to make it to chruch. After church started we didn't have any investigators there which was too bad. But after a few minutes, Minerva walked in. Woohoo! :) Horrah for Israel! She told us that she was indeed fasting for the answer she was seeking. I fasted for the same, that she and her mom might gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon as they seek it diligently. I know that God will give them the answer in His time.
I had a lot of cool experiences in teaching with the Spirit this last week. With one brother in the ward who is inactive we talked about the importance of the priesthood and being an example as the head of the family (it was a very bold lesson as you can tell). He is a nice man but refuses to go to church with the rest of his family. He has some of his own ideas that hurt a growing testimony. But as we were talking he said that God would bless him for being a good person whether or not he went to church. Immediately the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants popped into my head about how we receive blessings. We shared a scripture on the Sabboth Day and how it is a commandment then we showed him the scripture from D&C that explains that the law based in heaven is that we receive blessings as we obey the laws on which they are founded. So we explained, Yes, you might be able to receive a few blessings without going to church by doing other things, but you won't receive the blessings reserved for those who go and "offer their sacraments unto God on His Holy day", which are many. Not to mention the importance of renewing out baptismal covenants every week to have the very important companionship of the Spirit with us in every moment of the week.
Also with another investigator who didn't quite understand the cooralation between "If the Book of Mormon is true" and "that means that God has restored his only true church on the earth today". The spirit really gave me the words to say so I could explain it in a way so that he could understand the relation between the two things. In the end he understood and he committed to read and pray about it.
I also was able to interview a woman who got baptized yesterday which was great. It was so cool being able to feel the spirit telling me that she is ready and it was amazing to hear the sacrifices she has made to be able to more fully follow Jesus Christ. She left her work so she could attend church every week which is pretty big here.
Despite the time we spent in the hospital it was actually a good week and Elder Chamberlain and I are working very well together. He is a really good guy with a great testimony. I know that as we stay focused and obedient that we will do our part and that the Lord will be able to do everything to fulfill His will in the conversion of these people.
I know that the church is true and that our Heavenly Father lives and loves us, as does His son Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to be here as the work is hastening and I am so happy and honored to be a servant of the Lord. I would also like to invite you guys back home to support the missionaries in any way possible (if you ever see them as they have a few stakes that they cover haha) to answer the call of President Monson. "Now is the time for members and missionaries to work together. We are one". We have felt the blessings of this revelation here in Los Mochis and I am sure the missionaries in Utah will feel the same.
Elder Clement
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