Hi all!
This week went all right! We got another baptism date and we are excited about that! We had a couple lazy days this week where we didn't get much accomplished but we still taught 21 lessons this week and picked up a new investigator! So we were pretty stoked about that cause we found him while tracting and we are hoping that he will continue to let us in!
This past week we picked up another ward the 8th ward and so that will keep us really busy! Plus now we have 6+ hours of church each Sunday, but that's okay! It will keep us busy and on track! (mom insert: Is this my son talking?!!)
We are excited to start riding bikes this week! It will save us miles and plus gives us a chance to see people doing yard work and we can help them! So that's good.
So I don't know if you know this at all, but as some of my friends and some of my family I am a 49ers fan and this week we were teaching a samoan family and while we were there this kids brother-in-law walked in the room and it was Mike Lupati. He is one of the top guards in the NFL and he is less active but he wants to be more active and learn more so we taught him about Joseph Smith in a little more depth! But he is so cool and a lot bigger than me! haha
-Elder Riley-

brad and Mike Lupati.JPG
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