Hi Everyone!!
So this past week has been a pretty good week! Every week we have to call the Assistants to the President and talk to them about our zone. We have to do this weekly. I really enjoy these call ins with the APs Its really nice to be able to talk about the concerns and the positive things that make our zone better. And as they we asking me some questions I was asked "what does this mission need to become better?" now its not very often when you get to tell something like this to the assistants and your say actually will go somewhere. So I took the opportunity to give some of my input so what I personally think would help our mission better is that the missionaries need to know that they are all entitled to divine revelation and inspiration. that when the missionaries learn that they are all entitled to this and they know that they can receive inspiration for there area and improve the work. So we talked a little about as leaders how can we implement that in our own areas to show that it is possible to do. So the past week I have been doing my studies on revelations and inspiration. I am amazed at the simplicity of gaining inspiration for really anything that you need. But it is only if you allow yourself to either be humbled and allow God to work through you. But prayer is always the first thing that needs to happen when you seek for inspiration. And with prayer comes faith. because really without faith there is nothing. But when you receive and answer to your prayer or inspiration then comes the action. when we put our faith in God and pray to him asking for guidance he will give it to us. but its what we do with those answers that will determine our love for our God to show that we are willing to act with what he gives to us.
So this is what we as leaders have to portray to our missionaries to let them know how simple it is to help the area out!
But this doesnt just apply for missionaries as many of you may already know. but as a people. living a normal life or what ever life you are living! we can all receive inspiration. But are we all willing to humble ourselves and let the lord show us the proper way to gain achievement for the desires of our hearts?
I love the way that the Lord works. I know that the Lord is willing to give us the answers that we need and or desire. but we must First ask. and Second listen. And Third action upon the things and answers given.
So I hope all of that made sense. Its hard for me to put all of my thoughts and write them down in a summarized version. if it doesn't let me know and I will try a better way of explaining it.
Something kinda cool happened this week, as we were driving to an appointment we saw a bunch of little animals running around in a field and I thought that they we just baby coyotes. and I pulled out my camera and zoomed in and got some pictures. it turns out they we a bunch of baby foxes! they were so cute I wanted to take one!
And also there was a huge burn pile in front of our house and they people burning it didn't think to move our trash can so now we have a very sad looking trash can
WELL that's it for this week! Love you guys!!
Love Elder Riley
Our Mother's Day call!!

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