So this is it! Last email before I am in MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Wowzers. It's crazy! I really can't imagine it. This time next week I will be in a little house teaching a family the gospel, knowing very little of what is being said! Can't wait! But I can bear my testimony so hopefully that will do the trick :) It has been another wonderful week, I continue to learn so much! I have been learning so much about how to be more like Christ and it is so awesome! My relationship with my Heavenly Father is growing tremendously! I really really love this so much :) I truly love it here and think it will be kind of sad not being here any more learning. But at the same time I think that will all go away the second I land in Mexico :) So I am the "travel leader" for like 14 Elders all going to MCNW. jajajajajaja I don't think the people got the memo that I don't know what I am doing in air ports seeing as I've only flown twice..... It should be interesting ;) We leave the MTC on Tuesday morning at 2:30 in the morning! ya 2:30..... should be interesting, who needs sleep anyways? jaja. But I should be able to call home that morning or around 10 in our layover in Dallas. I will email you again on like Saturday. They let us since we are leaving :) There have been a few missionaries struggling in our zone lately, so it is kind of our job to look over them and help them in every way we can, so this week has been kind of focused for me on how I can help them. I have tried learning and learning about Christ as a leader and bringing on those attributes in my leadership. I know that I have received much help especially with just loving them and praying for them each day.
Ahh funnnnnnnnnnny story for ya.
So for about the past 2 weeks our thermostat "magically" keeps on changing at night.. or so my roommates (the 3 others i am with) think jaja. They enjoy turning the temperature down to 45 degrees! which is pretty much Antarctica. So every night I finish my prayer around 10:40-10:45 and everyone else is already done with their prayers and almost asleep. So I pretend like I'm going to the bathroom and I always turn it way up and turn it from cool to off or heat :) They were so confused how this was happening jaja. I said some thing like "maybe it is one of the security guards" because they don't really like the security guards here. They had a bad encounter or something once. So they were like "ya! It totally is them!!!" They are still convinced that it is the security gaurds jajajajajajajaja. They set up a "trap" to try and catch them. The past 2 nights they put the Ironing board right in front of the door with things on it so that "when he opens the door and sneaks in our room in the middle of the night it will fall down and we can catch him!" jajaja Wowzers too funny! So last night I unlocked the door so it would look like one of them tried to sneak in but saw the trap and turned back. They totally fell for it. It is really to easy :) I think I will keep going with it. It's just to much fun :)
I watched a mormon message I beleive it is called Heavenly Father-Earthly Father. Man oh man It is way powerful! I couldn't help but think of you throughout the whole thing dad! You really are everything it says in the message! You are the bestest ever! :)
I love you all so much remember who the ultimate example is in our lives. Jesucristo! If we try and try each and every day to be more like him I know that our lives will be so much better! I love him and his sacrafice for me and for everyone! Without the Atonement we'd be struggling big time! I know without my Heavenly Father I am nothing Alma 26:12. One of the best scriptures out there in my opinion anyways :)
Alrighty hear goes my best attempt at my testimony.
Yo sé que Jesucristo es mi Salvador y Redentor y Él es su Salvador y Redentor.
Yo sé que a traves la expiacion de Jesucristo nosotros podemos limpio de nuestros peccados. Esté conocimiento me ayuda a tener esperanza en mi vida.
Yo sé que El Libro de Mormon es verdadero, porque yo orado a saber por mi mismo.
Yo sé que Dios es nuestro amorozo Padre Celestial.
Yo sé que nostoros podemos orar a Dios todos el tiempo y recibir una respuesta.
Yo sé que las familias son eterno, este conocimiento me ayuda a tener faliz por que mi familia es todo cosa in mi vida.
Este es mi testimonio
En el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.
( The spelling is way off. I can say it just not really quite type it fully correctly yet ) Love you all!
-Elder Allison
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