Dana Sorensen -- Valencia, Spain
for sharing that. I love the photos!
It was a lot of fun. We all
shared what we learned from the General Conference. It's interesting
how something different stood out to everyone; everyone receives a
different message from the Conference.
Thursday morning we woke up around 3am and ran through the park Túria. We started at one end, and ended at the other (about 5 miles). It was just going to be Élder Pérez and me, but most of the zone ended up going (as well as a member!). Thursday evening I took the train to Barcelona and slept there overnight. In the morning we picked up our residency cards (I´m legal now!), and I headed back to Valencia. It was nice to see friends from the MTC there.
Saturday night
we got word about transfers (It´s transfer week, so Preparation day
is on Tuesday this week). Elder Perez is leaving to Santander
(north of Bilbao). Tonight my new companion will arrive (Elder
Buttcane). Our area is pretty much dead right now as far as
investigators (because of the change in boundaries), so it´ll be
nice to get a new companion and refresh the area.
week we are going to have a baptism. His name is Alejandro. His Dad
is a member of the Bishopric in our ward, but he lives (lived?) with
his mom who doesn't want anything to do with the church. He is so
prepared for baptism. We went through the baptismal interview
questions with him to help prepare him, and he answered them better
than I could have.
still meeting with Peter. He hasn't had luck finding a job in Spain
(the unemployment here is 27%!), so he might move to another country
sometime soon. He´s trying to find a place to stay and a job so that
his family can come join him (they´re in Nigeria). He has been
preaching the Gospel to his friends and acquaintances, and they
haven´t been very receptive. One of his friends kicked him out of
his piso for having been baptized. But, he continues as faithful as
ever. Every time I meet him he is just so happy and ready to learn.
We've been working with him to do his family history (Nigeria
doesn't keep any records of births/deaths/etc. apparently, so it´s
weather here is perfect. It´s cooled down a lot and there´s usual a
nice cool breeze blowing from the Mediterranean. In Barcelona it was
freezing and rainy.
for questions: The day does start quite a bit later here. Our
missionary hours are from 7:30 to 11:30 (one hour later
than usual). Usually we wake at7:30, exercise/eat, do an hour of
personal study at 9, then an 1-2 hours companion study (since it´s a
training companionship, we do more companion study), and leave around
11-12. The siesta here is called Mediodía (middle day). If we don´t
have an eating appointment we go eat at piso and do language study
(usually that´s from 2-4). We have to be back in piso by 10:00pm. We
do walk around in the dark at nights, but being in the middle of the
city it´s very well lit.
my package arrived last week. Everything is in perfect condition
except it all smelled strongly like tacos. I really enjoy listening
to the music and conference talks on it every night. I´m all set for
now, I don´t need anything else. Thank you very much for sending it.
of the week is Alma 7:22-23. This is one of my favorites:
23 And
now I would that ye should be humble,
and be submissive and
gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering;
being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the
commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye
stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks
unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.
are 12 things in those verses that we need to do/become. One of the
big purposes in life is to train ourselves to become more like this
(like Christ). I like to pick one or two of the things listed and
work on them each week.
really enjoying Spain and loving my mission. The weeks are flying by.
In truth, I never plan on stopping being a missionary. I will be able
to use the things I´m learning to share the gospel for the rest of
my life.
love you all and I´m praying for you!

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