Elder Dana Sorensen --
This truly is the work of the Lord (or, Bishop Hadley is "mi chico")
week is transfers. Surprisingly, all four of us in the piso are
staying. Looks like I´m spending Christmas here (that's good,
because I´m already friends with the members).
week has seemed longer than usual. Not in a bad way. Lots of things
are happening.
been teaching Estrella a lot. She´s the mom of Alejandro, our recent
convert. This week we taught her the Word of Wisdom. She is giving up
both smoking and drinking coffee. She´s already gone from 10
cigarettes every day to about 5, and from 5-6 cups of coffee every
day to 3 decaf. It´s been incredible to see how much her life has
changed for the better in the last few weeks. She seems happier, and
looks brighter.
her son, is continuing strong. He just finished the Book of Mormon,
and now he´s reading the New Testament, D&C, and Our Heritage
all at the same time. He was just called as a ward missionary, so now
he comes with us to a lot of appointments. He´s already bought the
briefcase he wants to use when he leaves on his mission in a year.
week we also met with Peter. We gave him the LDS edition King James
Bible, and a DVD of bible videos. He told us that now that he has all
the LDS standard works, he feels like a complete man. He´s planning
on going to the temple in January with the ward.
were passing by antiguos (former investigators) this
week, and something incredible happened. We knocked on a door and
asked if the man on the record was home. He doesn't live there
anymore, but there are two chinos (chinese people)
living there now. He was standing on the doorway, so we asked if we
could share our message with him. He invited us in, and now we´re
meeting twice a week. Growing up in china, he has no religious
background whatsoever. But, he´s interested in the Bible and the
life of Christ. That´s amazing. A chino interested
in Christ. You need to understand, there´s probably one Chinese
member in all of Valencia (and he´s probably inactive). Now we´re
teaching him and his friend (who lives with him). There´s a member
that lives in the same building that teaches him with us. It´s been
a big miracle, especially since we've been praying to find new
also had the chance on Sunday to meet Pilar Plumé. She was
baptized in Valencia around 30 years ago by none other than Brother
Hadley across the street. We didn't have a lot of time to talk, but
she was very excited that I knew "mi chico".
been reading in Mormon and Ether in the Book of Mormon. It´s so
amazing to me that even though I've read the book several times, I
learn so much every time I sit down to read it. I don´t have a
specific scripture for this week, but instead I want to point out how
often the Book of Mormon talks about the Doctrine of Christ, that is,
repentance and baptism. Every prophet in almost every chapter repeats
that. It´s the very first thing Christ taught when he came to the
Nephites. As a missionary, that means a lot more to me than it did
you for your love and prayers. I wish I could share with you
everything else I've been doing and learning. I see miracles every
day. This truly is the work of the Lord.
next week,
Answering questions
thanks for sharing your thoughts about that talk. I´ll be thinking
about that a lot.
When I exercise, I usually do it with Elder Daines. We switch off
every other day between Ab Ripper X and running up and down the
stairs in the piso. (it´s easier than going outside).
We actually were invited to a Thanksgiving dinner with a young couple
(who just had their first baby a few weeks ago) that just moved from
England. They don´t celebrate Thanksgiving in England you say? Beats
me. Food is food. =)
I've been meaning to email A. I just need to make enough time to
email him (I usually run out of time).
week the other elders went to eat with this old lady named E______.
She's one of the first members in Valencia. She's also crazy. She
makes you eat all the food there before you can leave. Then she sends
you home with everything else. This is what she sent home with the
other elders:
That´s at least 6 bags of different types of Spanish Christmas cookies, a few loaves of bread, juice, chocolate bars, and about 25 pounds of oranges (that were picked the day before). Needless to say, we eat well in Valencia.
also send some pictures of the piso.
Bedroom. My bed is under the window.
View from the bedroom window. (I´m in Spain!)
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