Hey Yall!!
This week has been a really great, fast, weird and busy week! Its startin to get really cold down here now and when the wind blows you freeze like none other! This cold is so weird. You can put on as much stuff as you want, but you are still cold underneath it all. You shiver all the time and there is no escapin the cold haha its hard to compare with Utah cold but both are good i guess haha. This week we had 2 more baptisms in our district! I cant believe how many we have had in this district the past transfer! It seems like all I do now is interview people for baptism. Also transfers were this week and we recieved 3 new members of our district. We had a very good district meetin to get to know everyone and ill talk about that a little later. Everythin here is going great! Its kinda funny because when I first came out I didnt really like Alabama to much, but now its my home, and my family here. Its wierd how much its grown on me but great none the less:)
Now before I go on with the rest of my email, I do just want to talk about somethin yall are probably wonderin. Yes I know that Alabama lost... To explain the title of this email, we had district meetin durin the game so i knew no one in my district was watchin. Well after we came back to the apt and some elders cut there hair. Then we needed to go back to the church to interview a girl for baptism. It would be her and the sister missionaries there so we needed another male there with us. Well as i call down the list of men in our ward everyone would send me straight to voice mail. Haha everyone was in shock, and were super angry. Well as we biked that night, everything was just super quiet, like nothing ive ever experienced before. I called it the deadly hush haha but now today its rainin and everyone is mournin and prayin that somehow we can get into the championship haha from what it sounds like to me it was a bad coached game hha but enough of that.
So like I said this week has been very busy and wierd. We werent able to have a lot of big numbers this week. But this week we have still been doin our best to stay busy and do good things. We have been workin alot with members and tryin to get the live mormon.org thing done. Elder Bean also broke his bike this week and it took a while to fix it. We couldnt go very far without it haha but this week like i said we had 2 baptismal interviews and also a little exchange.
For Thanksgivin we got up and first things first went to the turkey bowl. It was great. There were a ton of people. I played QB for our team. I had at least 7-8 throwin touchdowns and there was a guy that came later and played all time QB that I got a couple of touchdown catchin the ball as well. Our team ended up winnin!:)
Then we came back and got ready and went to an older families house for thanksgivin lunch. There were only 6 people there and us which is a little different but it was great! We ate a lot and tried not to. Right after that we went to a ward activity where they invited all those that didnt have families to go to come to the church. So our second meal was also big and very successful! Then we went to another family for the last of the night. They BBQed out and fed us a lot of desert. It was a great day though!
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This is how I dressed up for the turkey bowl!!
Then we came back and got ready and went to an older families house for thanksgivin lunch. There were only 6 people there and us which is a little different but it was great! We ate a lot and tried not to. Right after that we went to a ward activity where they invited all those that didnt have families to go to come to the church. So our second meal was also big and very successful! Then we went to another family for the last of the night. They BBQed out and fed us a lot of desert. It was a great day though!
Things here are comin along great. We are still tryin to find a good investigator. Hopefully this week we can get back into a couple homes that we've been over to. But the last thing I want to mention is our district meetin. We had some activities to get to know everyone better. Then we came up with some inspiring quotes that we are gonna all memorize and keep us motivated on our missions. The last thing was our districts culture. We all came up with it and I love it so much! I think it can apply to yall as well!
Armor of God
No one left behind
Good Shepard's
We all need to put on the Armor of God and be Steadfast in Christ! We need to be exemplary and not just settle for the lesser things of the world. And we need to be a light to the world. (This is something that sister Hanks talked about to us) We need to be Good Shepard's and leave no one behind, that includes ourselves. As we do these things, we will be angels to everyone this Chirstmas Holiday!:) Thats my challenge to yall. Find ways to be ANGELS to yourself and to others this month!:) Also watch the new mormon message on LDS.org its so great! I love it!
Well hope that yall have another great week! Tis the season to be jolley! And Happy:) haha
Love yall so much!
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