Thursday, February 12, 2015

This week was great!!! Miguel got baptized!!!!!!!! :) It was so amazing. So we went over to his house with our ward mission leader to visit him on Tuesday, and he was there on youtube watching the joseph smith movie, taking notes, i just looked over at my comp. like "is this really happening...?" He is awesome!! He has so much desire to learn! The baptism was really great! It was on saturday, well he works in a trucking bussiness, and delivers stuff all over mexico. So thursday he told his boss, that he would not be working Saturday because he was going to get baptized, there was another worker in there at that time that overheard. That guy is the driving buddy of miguel. They go together on the trips because you need two. Well that guy just happens to be an Anti mormon. He was a member, went on a mission, and is now completely against the church. Well miguel told us on Friday that he was saying a bunch of stuff about the church the whole ride, and it was multiple hours. talk about opposition in all things. Well miguel told us, "Elders, I dont know if this was bad, but i told him he had better shut up or i would make him.." jaja he said that he was about to punch him. The guy apparently cooled down a bit, but he gave him a sheet of anti mormon stuff to look up on line. The devil works hard on us, and on our investigators, that is for sure. But he said that couldnt change his mind about the answers that he has received :) That guy is in big trouble in the judgement day....

So on Tuesday, we looked and looked and looked for people but again no one was home or they were false directions. My comp and I were just super frustrated. We sat down on the curb and just thought what in the world is going on. What can we do? My comp suggested we go over to a member to ask for refrences so we did, and that member just had someone move into her appartment to rent one of the rooms. So we were able to teach her, and she was pretty interested :) That was a pretty cool moment, right when we were at our lowest, Heavenly Father guided us to someone else. Pretty cool stuff!!!
Leonardo, Elizabet, and Rosa. The grandma, daughter, and son. Story is still going great. The mom, and son now have 3 straight weeks going to church and they feel wonderful. We put a baptismal date with Leonardo for 21st of Febuary, and he is really excited!
We also put a baptismal date for a guy named Martin this week, who is fairly new, but really likes the church. It was probably one of the easier baptismal dates i have put in the mission. He was just like, Ya, i like the idea of your baptisms. It makes a lot more sense than the baptisms in the cathlic church. So we are pretty excited. 
We had a bunch of meetings this week!! 
We found a really cool family of three this week and have an appointment for tonight that we are really excited about, hopefully things will go well with them. 
President hall wanted us to give our stake president a little preach my gospel book, So we were forced into going to the CCM. jaja We went in and gave it to him, then we were walking back to the gate and a guy that works there was like "Hey did you guys eat breakfast? We were like... uh no, not really and he was like then why dont you go eat in the cafateria." So he took us over to the cafateria. And we got to eat. There were a bunch of missionaries eating there, it was awesome!! We felt like rockstars because everyone would see our visitors pass and be like "NO WAY are you guys real missionaries!!" And we would be like... uh... well we arent fake ones. jaja we sat down and ate with some missionaries, and then we would have a bunch of missionaries come up to the table, and kinda sworm us asking us all kinds of questions, it was way funny!! So many people wanted to talk with us. 
All is going well in the area. I am very happy, this may or may not be the last week. The little kids in the neighbor hood continue to think that I am a soccer God sent from heaven. 
This weeks english class was fun, i am glad that i am in charge of teaching the kids, it is a way good time. Thanks for all you do, I love you guys so much!!!
Love Elder Allison

Monday, February 9, 2015

2/9/2015 ~ Elder Jackman

Dear Family,

This week was great. It was Elder Blackner's last week in the mission too! 2nd companion that I've sent home in a row - honestly, it is quite hard to keep focused and work hard when you have 2 companions leave for home consecutively! I got a call from Presdient Millar - I'm called to train a brand new Zone Leader! His name is Elder Hare, he's from Richfield, Utah (Yes, ANOTHER Utah companion! But I work the best with them!) He was in my district in Peckham, so he went from being Peckham District Leader to the new Wandsworth ZL! So, that's super exciting! He is a great guy and a super hard worker! We are going to destroy it this next couple transfers together. By the end of it, I'll have been in Peckham for 9 months and perhaps more!! So long, but I am grateful for it. I have learned so much here in London, and I wouldn't rather be anywhere else! Training a new ZL though is apparently one of the hardest positions in the mission! But I can easily manage :)

This week went a bit slower. A lot of people cancelled their appointments with us, so that was a drag, but we were still able to get 5 new baptismal dates, and we have a lot of new people in our teaching pool! This week, we finally taught our new investigator I found on a bus named Arlette - she is from Cameroon, and is pretty golden! She is very very nice. Also, we are teaching this man named Seth, a Ghanaian, and we teach him in this place called 'Kumasi Market' a busy busy Ghanaian shop which sells crazy foods and crazy Pentecostal music blasts there - and we teach him in his office upstairs in this African salon. It's a crazy place to teach, but he is super nice. 
We are lately having a problem teaching people who are really indoctrinated - VERY Pentecostal and stuck in their beliefs. So we have a TON of cool people we are working with - just it will take some time to teach them all and sort it all out. No worries!!
Did a lot of ministering for our zone. We helped the sisters in Peckham build a wardrobe that took nearly 3 hours!! It was tough! But it felt nice to help.

I've seen a lot of wild things out here this week. The cold is making people sad and depressed. On the bus two days ago, I sat next to a Jamaican who was talking to himself and had a dull shard of wood and he was stabbing himself on his arm and legs and head with it really really hard. It was quite scary. Seen a lot of fights in the streets and drunk people too - its sad to see people like this. That's why they need to gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Sometimes, as a person/missionary I feel worthless, useless, like I have done no good. Some days are rougher than others. But there are many many more moments and days where I look back on the good I have accomplished. I have helped to change people's lives. I wish I could help everyone I meet. I want to baptise the world so badly, it pains me!! I want to do more than I can always - but I am reminded of Alma's experience when he wanted to be an angel to go and fly around and proclaim the gospel to everyone, but he was rebuked by the Spirit- You do what you can, and do the very best you can.
I have changed so much. I am grateful for my mission so much. And though sometimes there may be hard days, those are the days also where I learn to rely more on my Saviour Jesus Christ.

I hope you all know that I have a testimony. This gospel changed lives, I have seen it firsthand. I love serving so much. I am excited for these next couple of transfers. It will be challenging, but I know I can do hard things! 

I love you all so much,

Elder Jackman